
Best Fort in Makkah

Life brings you a lot of this time Muslims and even human is selfish. No one cares each other nowadays. The frustration level is so high. I always feel upset about it. One day in my life I went to a mosque. I heard the imam. he was saying if you want peace of heart pray and fast and love others. You are not superior all are equal but the one who are best in adoration of Allah. I was wondering. then I decide to spend my time in Makkah and Madinah the resting place of Our great prophet Muhammad (PBUH).so I booked my tickets for the Umrah trip. This is an obligation so that Muslims come and perform hajj and Umrah. They come via Islamic pilgrimage services from the UK for Muslims. I reached in the airport and then for the Makkah. I reached haram. It was amazing feeling for me. I was ashamed and weep. I pray in the mosque of Kaaba. I was feeling peace and attachment is increases. My heart has followed the Allah and its prophet (PBUH).

After stay and visit many sites of Makkah and Madinah. I was pleased. I promise to myself that I will look after people I will care people without any reward. When I was walking in the land of Makkah. I found the fort of kaab bin Ashraf it was a beautiful fort. kaab bin Ashraf was the great poet. Kaab bin Ashraf was the angriest person among the Jews with Islam and the Muslims. he was the most determined on wreaking harm on Allah’s Messenger Muhammad e Mustafa(PBUH). This greatest enthusiastic advocate of waging war against him. He belonged to the tribe but his mother was from Banu Nadir. He was a wealthy man known for his beauty. He loves to write for prophet Muhammad(PBHU).